Heal Trauma with Integrative Hypnotherapy

Why Hypnotherapy?

How Hypnotherapy Can Help You Heal from Trauma

Trauma can be caused by almost any type of event. It could be something from your past, such as experiencing violence or abuse, or it might be more recent, such as a car accident, natural disaster, robbery, or other frightening experience. Hypnotherapy can play a powerful part in resolving the subconscious roots of trauma. This is because when you experience trauma, it affects your subconscious mind. Your conscious mind processes information about the event and stores this information in your memory. But your subconscious mind also stores this information and can continue to re-experience it as a negative memory. When we experience a traumatic event, it can leave us feeling scared, helpless or worthless. These feelings are natural reactions to such experiences. However, when they become recurrent and impact our everyday life in a negative way, they indicate that the individual is not yet fully healed from the trauma. It is difficult to get over things that upset us. In fact, research suggests that people who have experienced trauma may never fully recover from it. Even though many of us don’t like to admit it, there are events in our lives that leave lasting scars and change who we are as individuals. Even though these experiences might seem minor at the time, they can have a big impact on our subconscious mind and self-esteem for years to come. If some of the symptoms below describe your experience, hypnotherapy can help resolve them.

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What is trauma?

Trauma is any event that harms a person’s well-being. It can be a single event, or a series of events that a person remembers and associates with feelings of fear or helplessness. The person can be any age and be affected at any stage in their life. When the human body is exposed to a traumatic event, the person may feel threatened, be in danger, or experience some other form of harm. The person’s body responds to this event by secreting stress hormones that cause physiological reactions, such as an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, muscle spasms, sweating, trembling, nausea, and an upset stomach.

The role of the subconscious mind in trauma

The subconscious mind is the part of your mind where your beliefs and feelings are stored. You might picture your subconscious as a huge filing cabinet full of files, each one containing a different belief or emotion. When you experience a traumatic event, it gets stored in your subconscious mind. This means that whenever you think about this event, or get reminded of it in some way, you will experience the same feelings as you did at the time. When you are experiencing trauma, it has a long-lasting effect because it goes straight to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is responsible for your thoughts, beliefs and actions without you being consciously aware of this. It is where all your past experiences and memories are stored. This means that when you experience trauma, it can be difficult to get over it because it is stored in your subconscious mind.

How hypnotherapy works as a treatment for trauma

Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is a state that allows you to access your subconscious mind more easily. During a hypnosis session, the hypnotherapist will guide you into a state of hypnosis and make suggestions to your subconscious mind. The suggestions will work with the information that is already present in your subconscious mind to help you break the patterns associated with your traumatic experience.

Benefits of finally healing from trauma with help from hypnosis

Helping you overcome trauma with hypnosis can make a huge difference in your life. Studies have shown that people who can finally overcome their trauma, feel happier, healthier and more productive in their everyday lives. Some of the benefits of finally healing from trauma with the help of hypnosis include:

• Reduced anxiety and fears - People who have experienced trauma often have anxiety, be it social anxiety, general anxiety, or another form of anxiety. Hypnosis can help to reduce these feelings.

• Clearer thinking - Anxiety can bring on irrational and confusing thoughts that can be difficult to deal with. Hypnosis can help to clear your thoughts and help you think more rationally.

• Improved self-esteem - People who have experienced trauma often have low self-esteem. Hypnosis can help to improve your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself.

How can hypnotherapy help you build self-esteem?

Many people experience low self-esteem due to trauma. This can be caused by a repetitive re-experiencing of the traumatic event, or by feelings of shame or guilt that come about as a result of the event(s). Low self-esteem can cause you to have feelings of shame and guilt that prevent you from enjoying your life. You might feel like you don’t deserve to be happy, or that you don’t deserve to be successful. Hypnosis can help to break these patterns of thinking that are holding you back. When you have high self-esteem, you feel good about yourself. You are confident in your abilities, and you are comfortable with who you are. When you have high self-esteem, you are less likely to experience feelings of shame or guilt.

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