About me

Hi, I’m Lovena Vencatakistnen.

Decades ago, I couldn’t have imagined I would become a hypnotherapist, but my studies and training began in earnest after I experienced the life-changing benefits of psychotherapy and hypnotherapy firsthand. I knew I had to find a way to share this miraculous healing skill with others.

My background includes many years as an investment banker at London’s Canary Wharf, working for educational and environmental nonprofit charities in the US and UK, and nearly 40 years of intensive training in both traditional and innovative forms of mindfulness and meditation.

I hold a Certificate in Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy from the UK’s National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy (NCHP), as well as a Certificate in Past-Life Regression Therapy from the International School of Hypnosis and Regression Therapy (IS-HART). I’m also a Registered Hypnotherapist with CNHC (the leading UK regulatory body for hypnotherapists), an Associate Member of the National Society of Talking Therapies, and a UKCP Trainee Member.

I'm here for you and look forward to working with you.

Professional certification

CHP(NC), National College of Hypnosis and Psychotherapy
PLR, International School of Hypnosis and Regression Therapy

Academic degrees

MBA, Distinction, Bayes Business School
BSc, Actuarial Science, City University London

Client Stories

A middle-aged American client came to Symphony Therapy feeling stuck in his life and work. Curious about past-life regression, he decided to give it a try. While in trance, he recalled with vivid clarity his life as a woman named Janet in early 17th-century Scotland. The tragic loss of Janet’s husband and eldest daughter in a village fire demanded that she find a way forward for the sake of her two remaining children, despite having no idea how to let go of the past and proceed. Janet’s situation metaphorically mirrored the client’s own.…

My Approach

Looking beneath the surface

Extensive meditative experience taught me that the human mind has depths that extend far beneath what we typically take for granted on the day-to-day surface of life. This understanding was only deepened by my studies of Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Sigmund Freud, Karen Horney, Milton Erickson, Sri Aurobindo, Ken Wilber, and other pioneers of contemporary psychology. They all believed that what we usually think of as our “self” is just the tip of a rather vast iceberg.

My training in hypno-psychotherapy has convinced me — as it did Freud and Jung more than a century ago — that hypnosis may be the single best tool available for peering below the surface of our ordinary mind and exploring that iceberg in careful, precise detail. The more journeys you take into your own inner depths, the more you may begin to feel a new sense of wholeness, depth, and clarity pervading your daily experience. Your relationships may improve, your old wounds and traumas may finally heal, and your sense of purpose and direction in life may become clearer than ever before. It’s certainly been my experience. And it could be yours too.

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“You could not discover the limits of the psyche, even if you traveled by every path in order to do so; such is the depth of its meaning.”
