Frequently Asked

If you are interested in hypnotherapy but aren’t certain what it is or what it entails, you are in the right spot. Here we will address some frequently asked questions in order to provide you with a better understanding of what hypnotherapy is, how it works, and what to expect.

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Does hypnosis work for everyone?

While it is possible for anyone to be hypnotised, some people are more responsive to hypnosis than others. Factors that may affect a person's ability to be hypnotised include their level of relaxation, their level of suggestibility, and their willingness to be hypnotised. No one can be hypnotised against their will since the subconscious mind is always in control and serves the function of protecting the person.

Does one go to sleep during hypnosis?

No, you do not go to sleep during hypnosis. Hypnosis is a state of mind where you are relaxed, focused, and your conscious mind is in the background. This state of mind allows your subconscious mind to come forward and work with the hypnotherapist. The hypnotherapist can then help you work on any issues that you may have.

When you are undergoing hypnosis, it can feel like you are awake and aware of what is happening around you, even though your conscious mind is in the background. You may hear what the hypnotherapist says to you, and may even make some comments back to them as they are working with you.However, while this is all happening, your subconscious mind is opening up and receiving the messages that the hypnotherapist is giving to it. These messages can then be reprogrammed into your subconscious mind by the hypnotherapist and help you to work on any issues that you may have.

  • Hypnosis is a state of focused concentration that is often used for therapeutic purposes, while deep sleep is a state of complete unconsciousness

  • Hypnosis is usually induced by a hypnotherapist, while deep sleep occurs naturally.

  • During hypnosis, a person is usually aware of and can respond to questions and suggestions, while in deep sleep a person is not aware of their surroundings and is not able to respond to stimuli.

  • In a hypnotic state, a person is more relaxed and has a greater ability to focus.

  • Hypnosis can also be used to treat sleep disorders such as insomnia.

  • In a hypnotic state, a person is more likely to remember dreams and have more vivid dreams.

What is a hypnotic state like?

The word hypnotic comes from the Greek “hypnos,” meaning “sleep,” and “tikos,” meaning “like” or “fit for.” A hypnotic state is one that resembles sleep while conscious. It is induced by a procedure called hypnosis. 

In a hypnotic state, the conscious mind is relaxed and receptive to suggestions. It is believed that the mind enters a deeper state of awareness, in which boundaries between conscious and unconscious thoughts become blurred. At this point, the patient’s mind can accept new suggestions more freely and easily. 

The benefits of a hypnotic state are healing more quickly and effectively. In addition, one can also feel more confident and positive about life in general. Overall wellbeing is improved through a decrease in pain, anxiety and depression.

Is it possible to get stuck in a trance?

No, it is not possible to get stuck in a trance in a hypnotic state. A trance state may seem like a place where you are stuck, but in reality, it is just deeper state of relaxation that allows your mind and body to heal itself. Once you are in a trance state, you will be guided to whatever part of your body needs healing or help. After the session, you will be wide awake and refreshed.

Does one lose control under hypnosis?

No, people do not lose control under hypnosis. Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. During hypnosis, people are aware of what is happening around them and can remember everything that happens during the session. Your subconscious mind is there to protect you, and it can intervene if you feel uncomfortable. The hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything against your will. You may enter and leave the hypnotic state at any time you wish.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of hypnotherapy sessions that you will need will depend on the issue or concern that you are hoping to address. Some issues can be addressed in just a few sessions, while others may require more. Treatment times vary from person to person, but a problem that has been causing years of discomfort and distress can be alleviated in just a few sessions. Some people notice positive changes after the first session, and others may benefit from further assistance. You will also be equipped with the tools needed to maintain the work done on your own.

Are there any side effects from hypnotherapy?

There are no known side effects from hypnotherapy. However, it is important to consult with a qualified hypnotherapist to ensure that the therapy is being performed correctly and safely. It is known to be a safe process that allows you to relax deeply and therefore feel more in touch with yourself.

How much information is retained when in a state of hypnosis?

A hypnotic state is one in which you are entering into a deep restful state of consciousness. Hypnotic states occur when the conscious mind is receptive, open, and relaxed and the subconscious is in charge. As you go deeper into the hypnotic state, your awareness becomes more and more focused on things inside you rather than the outer world. It’s a state of deep relaxation, peace, and well-being.

The amount of information that is retained in a hypnotic state will vary from person to person according to several factors including:

  • Your ability to focus

  • How relaxed and open you are to suggestions given by the hypnotist

  • The clarity of your vision

  • Amount of repetition in what you hear or what you physically write in this process

  • The quality of your memory before or after hypnosis

What is the difference between stage hypnosis and clinical hypnosis?

There are many misconceptions about what stage hypnosis or hypnotherapy is and how it works. Stage hypnosis is the utilisation of hypnotic techniques to induce a state of hypnosis in front of a group. The hypnotic state may be used as part of a performance, such as the traditional hypnotist show, or it may be the focus of the event. Stage hypnosis may be performed by an individual who is trained in both hypnosis and public performing, or it may be performed by any individual who is trained in hypnosis. 

On the other hand, clinical hypnosis is completely different to stage hypnosis. In this case, a trained therapist induces specific thoughts into the mind of the patient through verbal and nonverbal communication as well as through body language. In this way, they can help treat anxiety and other conditions that can be alleviated with hypnotherapy.

What does a typical session entail?

The best way to describe a typical session with a hypnotherapist is that it is relaxed and peaceful. You will be in a comfortable environment, and your therapist will be there to guide you throughout the process.

Your hypnotherapist will help you achieve your goals through relaxation and hypnosis. They will listen to your needs and concerns, and work with you to create a plan that suits your needs. The sessions will be confidential, so you can feel comfortable sharing whatever is on your mind.Your hypnotherapist will help guide you towards positive change and peace of mind.

What is the difference between “hypnosis” and “hypnotherapy”?

There are many different theories about the difference between 'hypnosis' and 'hypnotherapy'. Some people believe that 'hypnosis' and' hypnotherapy' are the same thing, while others believe they are very different.

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to treat various conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, and stress. A hypnotherapist helps you become more relaxed and focused by suggesting positive thoughts and images that can help you achieve your goals.

Hypnosis is a state of mind that is similar today dreaming or trance. The person undergoing hypnosis is highly receptive and open to suggestion. With hypnosis, you can change your thoughts and behaviours, reduce your discomfort from certain situations, or experience more pleasant memories.

The common misconception about hypnosis is that it puts you in a trance-like state where you become unconscious or lose control of your actions. This is not the case with therapeutic hypnosis. It is a safe and effective way to naturally improve your health and well-being by using the power of positive thinking and self-suggestion to help with medical and psychological problems.

How can hypnotherapy help resolve problems?

Hypnotherapy can help resolve problems by helping you change the way you think and feel about a particular situation.Hypnotherapy can help you gain a new perspective on a problem, which can result in more positive feelings and improved behaviour. Additionally, hypnotherapy can also be used to help you access your subconscious mind, where many of our negative feelings and beliefs are stored. By accessing and reprogramming this subconscious mind, we can overcome these negative and limiting beliefs, which can in turn lead to a positive change in our life.

Are only people with little willpower or limited intelligence susceptible to hypnosis?

No. Anyone can be hypnotised and there is nothing weak or unintelligent about it. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation, in which you become highly receptive to suggestions. It is a way for the conscious mind to commune with the subconscious mind, giving you access to all sorts of buried memories and emotions. It is not sleep and it is not unconsciousness, so you remain completely aware of everything that is happening while in hypnosis

Anybody can be hypnotised because we all have a subconscious mind. The subconscious mind knows how to do things that we aren't consciously aware of (like operating our automatic pilot). Hypnosis gives us access to this area of our mind, so we can make decisions based on this knowledge, rather than ignoring it. It's an excellent way to resolve issues that are causing distress in our lives and a great way to begin healing and improving health.

Can hypnosis cure anything?

Hypnosis is a state of mind where your conscious awareness is switched off and the data stored at the subconscious level is brought to awareness. Hence, it is possible to treat a lot of issues when someone achieve this great degree of relaxation. It might not be possible to cure absolutely everything but it can help with a lot of issues that people face.

  • A study shows that hypnotism can help smokers quit this bad habit

  • It also gives a deep relaxation to the body and mind which results in more restful sleep

  • Hypnosis helps in the sky diving fear and public speaking fear by putting you in deep relaxation and taking you out at the time of the event

  • All types of pain like muscle ache, headache and back pain can be controlled through hypnosis

  • You can gain weight or lose weight by controlling eating through hypnosis

Can sessions be conducted online?

Absolutely, as long as you can create a calm environment in your own space, sessions can be as effective online as they are in person.

Am I going to lose control when I am hypnotised?

No, you will not. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and peace. You are in control the whole time. You can stop the session at any time if you are uncomfortable or if it's not working for you. In fact, it's impossible to do any lasting damage to yourself in hypnosis. It actually produces healing and rejuvenating effects on your mind and body.

How much does the hypnotherapy cost?

Each hypnotherapy session costs £100 and will take approximately one hour. The specialised treatments that Symphony Therapy offers varies in prices and you can find the exact cost on each of the treatment page.

What issues can hypnotherapy address?

There is no one answer that can be given to this question.Hypnotherapy can be used to treat a wide range of issues, both physical and emotional. Some of the most common uses for hypnotherapy include: 

Pain relief: One of the most common uses for hypnotherapy is pain relief. The profound relaxation that occurs during hypnotherapy can have a profound effect on pain receptors in the body, reducing or eliminating pain entirely. This can be beneficial for conditions such as fibromyalgia or migraine headaches, as well as many other types of pain. 

Stress relief: Another common use for hypnotherapy is stress relief. The relaxation achieved during hypnotherapy can actually change the chemical balance in the body, creating a sense of peace and calm that lasts long after the session is over. This can be beneficial for anyone who feels overwhelmed or stressed out, including athletes, students, and even executives. 

Weight loss: Hypnotherapy can also be used as a tool for weight loss. By triggering chemical changes in the body that promote fat loss, hypnotherapy can help you achieve your weight loss goals without making sacrifices or going on a restrictive diet. This type of weight loss works from within, so there is no need to worry about losing muscle mass while you're trying to lose weight. 

Addiction recovery: Another popular use for hypnotherapy is in addiction recovery. Many people find that hypnosis encourages positive life changes and helps them stay sober even after they've left rehab or treatment centres. This type of therapy is safe, non-judgmental, and effective at helping people stay on track with their recovery goals. If you’re unsure about the issue you’re facing, hypnotherapy can help you clarity the issue as well as resolve it in a way that the conscious mind might have difficult sorting through all the thoughts and issues you’re facing.

Are your results guaranteed?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can help tackle difficult issues but it cannot guarantee results. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy depends on a variety of factors, including the person's willingness and motivation to change, the nature and severity of the problem being addressed, and the relationship between the hypnotherapist and client. 

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