About Online and In-Person Sessions

Available Worldwide

Online Therapy: Help Within Reach

Online therapy is effective, accessible, and flexible.

With online therapy, I can offer the assistance and treatment you require wherever you are. When traditional hypnotherapy or psychotherapy is not accessible, Online therapy can offer you the help you require effectively. Although certain kinds of hypnosis are not appropriate for these sessions, many are well-suited. You can receive effective, ethical therapy at your convenience, anywhere you are with internet access. To make an appointment with Lovena, please contact her by phone, text, or email via the contact form listed below. Or click here to book a session.

What happens if we lose connection?
Prior to our session, I will make sure that you understand exactly what to expect. Hypnosis is a safe treatment, and you will always remain in control. If we drop connection, your subconscious will guide you back to full wakeful state, and I will contact you via phone, text, or email to resume our session.

How can I make sure that my online hypnotherapy sessions are effective?To ensure that your online hypnotherapy sessions are effective, it is important to create a comfortable and relaxing environment for yourself. For a seamless experience, it would be beneficial to locate a room that is free of disturbance from other household members and pets, and to make sure that your mobile and all apps on your computer are off. I should be able to see you clearly through your computer's camera. It's best to use a tablet, laptop, or computer for your online therapy appointment rather than a smartphone – one that you won't have to hold.

If you have any other questions about the sessions, please checkout the FAQ section or contact me and I can help answer your questions.

Available in London

In-Person Sessions in London

Prior to the pandemic, most therapy sessions were conducted in person. As humans, we have always learned to adapt to our circumstances to survive and online therapy is one of them. It is a blessing that we have managed to bring much needed help and support to people online when we couldn't travel. It has also made it possible for people with social anxiety to reach out for help from the convenience of their home.

As with everything, it's important to bring balance in how therapy is offered as much as possible. I have now resumed providing sessions in person and I'm delighted to be able to meet up in person again and have face-to-face sessions with you. If you prefer a change of environment and would like to experience a beautiful, tranquil time away from your computer, you can book an in-person session at checkout. My practice locations are in Greenwich and Islington. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to seeing you.

The Symphony Method

Heal the Roots and the Rest Will Flourish

Symphony Therapy is a highly effective, holistic synthesis of potentially life-changing psychotherapeutic modalities.

Based around a core practice of integrative hypnotherapy, this unique approach to healing and transformation addresses problems at their source — uncovering the roots of challenging conditions and recurring habits in the depths of the subconscious mind.

Heal from Trauma
Improve Relationships
Resolve Chronic Issues
Gain Self-Understanding
Find Deeper Meaning
Live As Your Authentic Self

“Closing the heart imprisons the authentic self; opening the heart liberates it.”

Brant Cortright

Request Consultation

During this free consultation, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your concerns and to ask me any questions you may have. This will enable me to determine the best approach to help you.
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