Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition that affects about one in every 100 adults. Those who struggle with OCD regularly experience upsetting and often bizarre thoughts known as obsessions and will go to great lengths to neutralize the anxiety that these thoughts trigger. This is known as compulsions. OCD can be extremely difficult to manage on your own, especially since the disorder thrives on the secrecy of its victims. The isolation that comes with having this illness can be unbearable for some, but not for everyone. There are many ways to cope and manage symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, such as through therapy, medication, exercise and nutrition. However, there is also another natural remedy: hypnotherapy.
If any of these sound familiar, then it is worth speaking to a therapist to see if you have OCD. Other symptoms include; debilitating anxiety, a feeling of being out of control, difficulty with daily tasks and relationships, feeling like you are being watched or followed, and an inability to clean or organise your surroundings.
Hypnotherapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or any other mental health issue, is a form of therapy where the client is guided through a hypnotic state. It allows the user to access their subconscious mind, with all its positive and healing properties, and harnesses the power to change their current situation. The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful, with the ability to heal our bodies, change our habits and react to external stimuli. It stores everything we have ever experienced and everything we have ever been told but doesn’t differentiate between what is true, and what isn’t. When we are young, our subconscious mind is like a sponge, absorbing everything around us. Unfortunately, not everything we hear or experience as children is helpful, and this can leave our minds open to destructive and limiting beliefs. This can be incredibly harmful when managing mental health, as the subconscious mind is strongly linked to our emotions. If you have harmful, negative beliefs, then your subconscious mind will be open to negativity, too. This is why hypnotherapy can help with OCD or any other mental health issue. A professional hypnotherapist can help you excavate your subconscious, and replace harmful beliefs with positive ones. This will work to change the way you feel, and your behaviour, making life much easier to manage.
This is a very common question, and understandably so. After all, how can something that sounds so wonderful and magical actually help with a serious mental health issue? Well, it comes down to one thing: Behaviour. The symptoms of OCD are often brought on by the fear of what will happen if you don’t follow your compulsions. You might feel a high degree of anxiety if you don’t clean your kitchen or wash your hands for long enough, for example. This causes your body to produce adrenaline and puts you on high alert. The more you feel this and experience it regularly, the stronger it becomes until it is all you can feel. As the anxiety builds, you will begin to think about it, and the thoughts that come with it. These are known as obsessions, and they are usually overly worrying thoughts that you can’t control. This is when OCD begins, and it is the reason why so many people use cleaning or organisation as a form of distraction and release. While in a hypnotherapy session, the therapist will guide you into a hypnotic state, and ask you to focus on your fears and anxieties. They will then help you to change your perception of the situation, and work to change your behaviour and negative thoughts. This will help to reduce your OCD symptoms and make managing your mental health much easier.
Imagine having a stream in your garden that has become overgrown with weeds. You can try to pull them out with your hands and hope to make some sort of difference, or you could use a long, sharp tool that can get to the root of the problem and pull it all out in one swift movement. This is what hypnosis does. It works with your unconscious mind and can swiftly get to the underlying source of your OCD. It can dig down to the roots of the bad thoughts and feelings that have been plaguing you and disrupt them, making them disappear. You might experience a surge of energy while in a hypnotic state, or you might experience a sensation of being pulled down into a relaxed state. This all depends on the individual, and it is important to remember that every person is different. While experiencing hypnosis, you will likely feel calm, relaxed, and even a little sleepy. You may also become very focused, and your body may feel heavy. Some people even experience paralysis, which can be really helpful for managing certain symptoms of OCD.
OCD is a serious mental health issue that can have a huge impact on someone’s life. While it is a condition that is often misunderstood, it is also one that can be managed and treated effectively with the right support. When you are suffering from OCD, it can be hard to see past the disorder and understand that you deserve to be happy, too. Luckily, there are many treatment options available, and hypnotherapy is one of them. While it isn't a quick fix, it is a natural and effective treatment that has helped many people to manage their symptoms and get their lives back on track.
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